Friday, May 4, 2012

Deceiving Magic

Well once again we are going to have to wait another month, and try again. This is getting really old. I know I shouldn’t be too disappointed because it’s only been one month on the medicine but in the big picture it’s been over 3 years. Of course once again my body did its magic trick. I waited till this morning to take a pregnancy test. Not kidding within 3 hours of seeing that negative test result I started my period. Why does my body insist on doing that? It’s so annoying and a waste of money, pregnancy tests are not that cheap especially with how many I have gone though.  Needless to say I am not feeling good at all today. I am both mentally and physically drained and I just want to crawl into my bed and sleep for a long time. I also don’t really want to think about it much right now so this is going to be the shortest blog update ever. I just thought some of you would want to know.

Maybe next month…


  1. I'm sorry you're going through this, Melissa. I was told when I was 19 that I wouldn't be able to have children and it was devastating. I cried about it for years. But as you know, I have a 2 1/2 year old. She was a little surprise/miracle. Miracles do happen and I know you'll have your miracle too! And a little bit of advice... buy dollar store pregnancy tests! Just stock up on 10 for the same amount of money as one you'd get at a drugstore! It sounds lame, but they work! And then if you get a positive you can spend more money to double check if you want ;) My positive was on a dollar store test and it was sure accurate! Good luck!

  2. My body used to do the EXACT same thing... and it just added insult to injury each month. I'm so sorry that it didn't work this time and I can only imagine how you must be feeling. Hang in there... have a glass of wine tonight and try to get some rest.

    And I agree with Tonja - dollar store tests work wonderfully :) I had dozens of them...

    Take care of you... you're in my thoughts.
