Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Letting Go

I started this blog as a way for me to have an outlet for my feelings and vent about the trials of infertility. Also to help others struggling with the same thing, to let them know that they are not alone. Infertility is real and millions struggle with it daily. However this is no longer the only thing I am going to blog about. I will still talk about it and keep you involved with any and all updates but I will no longer be letting infertility control my life. I am tired of feeling bad for myself and having a negative outlook on a lot of things. I am more than just infertile.  I have a very blessed and active life. I like to laugh and have fun, enjoy everyone around me and see the positive in everything. This is the person that I am determined to be. From now on my blog will contain everything about our life, not just the sucky stuff.

This in no way means we are giving up. We will still be activity trying to conceive, following all of our doctors’ recommendations and most importantly living our life to the fullest. Trying to have a baby is no longer going to be all I think about. I refuse to let it bring me down any longer. It will happen if and when it is supposed to. This is easier said than done I know, and I’m sure at times it will still be hard but I need to just let go. They say when you relax is when it happens anyway right? Yes, I still want a baby just as much as I always have but I also want to enjoy my husband and our life together. I am extremely blessed. I have a great job with a fun and entertaining group of coworkers, an amazing group of friends, the most wonderful supportive family, and the best, most loving husband to share the rest of my life with.

As always I am more than willing to talk and be open with anyone about infertility and my experiences with it. So if you want to know just ask. The only difference is now I will not be focused on it. I get to enjoy my life and have fun again! We are going to soak up and enjoy the child-less life, until we are blessed with something different. We are going travel as much as we can and do whatever we want. I am going to be happy and content with what I have and with the people that are in my life. I am going to celebrate when others are expecting, and have a blast shopping and helping them plan for their new arrival! I am going to love hearing stories and looking at pictures of friends children. I am no longer going to let all this good pass me by.  So here is to letting go and opening the door to freedom from my infertility!

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